column: No chimney? No problem!

column: No chimney? No problem!

The tale of an oil hot-water boiler project and a hot head customer. Looking over the new home plans in order to provide the builder with pricing, I noticed there was no chimney included. Way out in the country, where no natural gas was available and the owner had...

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Take a seat

Take a seat

Tips and tricks for repairing older faucets. My apprentice years were filled with a wide exposure to all manner of plumbing and heating jobs. At that time, F. W. Behler had just four seasoned employees who had been with the company for many years. Paul...

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Oh, my aching back!

Oh, my aching back!

Considerations for designing and installing radiant snow-melt systems Snow is coming, and my back recoils in fear at the thought. I should have added snow-melting for our driveway, but I was 30 years younger when we built our forever home. Our home is the first of...

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This way to egress

This way to egress

The key to success is having an exit strategy in place. PT Barnum had a real problem with patrons who lingered in his museum a bit too long, which limited the crowds and cut into profits. He needed a way to get people to leave and replaced the exit signs with “This...

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Stone-cold crazy

Stone-cold crazy

Liars never win; and cheaters never prosper. Way back in 1972, I was working high steel, and we were laying out new Butler steel roof panels. Craig and I had started the same week and worked well together. Walking 2-inch tops of the bar joists did not come easy, but...

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Troubleshooting an electric water heater

Immersed in your job

A leak detection investigation. I knew my day was going sideways when it was going to be necessary to change into a bathing suit and get wet in the customer’s master bath in order to find out what was causing a leak into the basement. Did I mention the owner was an...

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