by Nick | May 1, 2012 | Speaking
Quality Service Contractors’ Power Meeting XXXVI, held March 22-24 in Charlotte, N.C., gave attendees a lot to think about. QSC members talk about successfully expanding their businesses. Photo credit: Kelly Faloon/PM TheQuality Service Contractors’ Power Meeting... by Nick | Feb 16, 2012 | Speaking
The 14th annual Hodes/Challenge Air golf tournament, opening reception and Industry Partner Showcase will be featured on March 22. Why should a prospective customer choose your company? Discover your competitive advantage at the March 22-24 Quality Service... by Nick | Oct 31, 2008 | Speaking
Consolidated event featured educational seminars, special programs, and hundreds of industry-leading exhibitors. The ISH North America trade show for the plumbing, commercial/industrial pipes, valves & fittings (PVF), HVAC and kitchen & bath industries marked...
by Dave Yates | Sep 1, 2008 | Speaking
Attendees will find many eco-friendly seminars at this year’s show. Green will be the color of choice during ISH North America, Oct. 1-3, Atlanta, as the industry’s hottest topic wraps around educational seminars and other events throughout the show’s three-day... by Dave Yates | Jul 1, 2008 | Speaking
ISH North America recently announced seminar tracks on efficient technologies/renewable energy and business strategies for its trade show at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Oct. 1-3. Renewable Energy Track To educate professionals on the growing use of...
by Dave Yates | Jun 16, 2008 | Speaking
ISH North America 2008 announced its efficient technologies and renewable energy-focused seminar track is structured to educate professionals on the growing use of green applications within their field. ISH North America 2008announced its efficient technologies and...