by Nick | Aug 20, 2015 | Teaching
The Radiant Professionals Alliance will present four online educational courses taught by experts in the radiant and hydronics industry beginning Aug. 31. The RPA University courses are: “Fundamentals of Radiant Design”; “Advanced Radiant Design”; “Solar Approaches to...
by Nick | Jul 20, 2015 | Teaching
Max Rohr, chairman of the Radiant Professional Alliance’s Education Committee, leads a group discussion on the educational needs of the RPA contracting members. Photo credit: Radiant Professionals Alliance A large part of running a viable, healthy and vibrant... by Nick | Feb 27, 2015 | Teaching
Radiant & Hydronic eNews is partnering with the Radiant Professionals Alliance and HeatSpring to produce a series of online educational courses through RPA University. Experts in the radiant and hydronics industry will teach...
by Dave Yates | Jun 16, 2008 | Teaching
Radiant EXPO will take place in less than eight weeks – plenty of time for members and non-members alike to plan a trip to Schaumburg, IL, Aug. 13-15, and partake in the upcoming conference and tradeshow.Don’t miss RPA’s Green Team at REX 2008....
by Dave Yates | Jun 1, 2008 | Teaching
RPA Executive Director Larry Drake User-friendly and affordable should be the goals of the radiant industry rather than custom-built and expensive. How can something be complex and simple at the same time? It seems to be an oxymoron, yet that is a description of much...
by Nick | Dec 12, 2007 | Teaching
Watts Radiant expects to train hundreds of plumbing and mechanical contractors at its facility’s new “Hands-On House,” as well as at several regional location throghout 2008. Visiting trainers Dan Foley (right) and Dave Yates lead a discussion about...